
Edited by Sleaszy Rider Records

Special Thanks:

Giulia Marighetti – MUA
Enzo Silvestri (Pixo Studio) – Photography
Christian Wallin – Graphic Design
Recorded and Mixed at Mago Studio – Avio (TN) – Italy
Mastered at Waltz Studio – Boston – Massachusetts

Tracks: 01. You Gotta Lose | 02. Street Animals | 03. Hollywood | 04. Promises | 05. Sunny Again | 06. One Life | 07. Light In The Dark | 08. Heat | 09. Perfect Machine | 10. Monster Inside Me | 11. Play With Fire | 12. Will You Ever

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Or you can Purchase the digital version at
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“For sure, Sandness with this second album, “Higher And Higher”can blink their eye to the future with optimism. It’s a strong album with some really killer tunes in it but, most of all, it’s a record that is made with heart and soul.” – HEAVYPARADISE
“If you like the hard rock of the 80s you’re going to have a great time with this record, one of those that you get never tired of hearing again and again” – METALBROTHERS

Edited by Sleaszy Rider Records

Special Thanks:

Valentina Prezzi – MUA
Michele Sordo @ Mick Fenneck – Photography
Stefano Scrimenti @ [esse]quadro – Graphic Design

Tracks: 01. Artificial Lover | 02. Bad Things Cause Bad things | 03. Don’t Drop | 04. Darkness Around Me | 05. Dreamin’ Is My Way | 06. Lia | 07. Pay What You Say | 08. Drinkin’ Wine Under The Bridge | 09. No One Leaves Until The Dawn | 10. Lay Your Hair Down | 11. Shake My Dancin’ Soul

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Or you can Purchase the digital version at
12 13 14 15 16

“Consigliato!” – Concilium Trent
“Un album che non mancherà di accontentare tutti gli affezionati del lato cotonato degli eighties, in attesa di vederli live.” – Italiadimetallo
“Like an Addiction is extremely fun-loving, light-hearted and at some points it’s almost fun” – Grande-Rock
“Debut album positivo, che lascia ben sperare per un futuro roseo per questi tre ragazzi.” – Metalitalia
“if you wanna rock out with your cock out (whilst drinking some wine), then give “Like an Addiction” a listen or two.” – Metal Music Archives
“I Sandness si dimostrano promettenti quanto basta nella capacità di offrire pane per i denti di chi al rock non chiede altro che sudore, sangue, grinta e divertimento.” – TrueMetal


Mega BUNDLE: CD + Vinyl + 2 t-shirts

Price : € 55,00 € 40,00 !!

Size: S - M - L - XL

Colour: Black

Male // Female Available

with "Higher & Higher" CD and Vinyl

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* With every Purchase, you’ll receive a Pin, a signed Pic and Guitar Picks! Rock on!